
Our Medical Blog

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Birth Plan

Birth Plan

Congratulations on nearing the time for the birth of your baby. Please see under birth preference sheet for an example of a birth plan. At El Camino Health some birth...

Outpatient Surgery of Operative Hysteroscopy

Outpatient Surgery of Operative Hysteroscopy

28-year-old presented with abnormal uterine bleeding.  An ultrasound revealed an intrauterine polyp.  Therefore, I performed the outpatient surgery of operative hysteroscopy with removal of a submucous fibroid. The first picture is the uterine canal with the fibroid...

It’s Time to Revise The Family Medical Leave Act

It’s Time to Revise The Family Medical Leave Act

It was just another day at my office when I walked into the examination room and my pregnant patient from Germany launched into a discussion of medical leave benefits afforded new parents in developed nations.  Unfortunately, the United States ranks near the...